How would you like to reduce your Purchasing and Managing inventory costs by 25%?
We in ETGAR believe LESS IS MORE.
Wasting time and money having to purchase and manage big inventory?
Tired of dealing with Too many products? Too many kinds of implants? Too many models of abutments? Too many sizes? Too many tools?
Know this, 20% of your inventory will bring you 80% of your sales!
Why waste time and money? LESS IS MORE.
Not yet convinced you should find the time and meet us?!
ETGAR is developing a comprehensive revolutionary approach against the problem of Peri-Implantitis, based on both Mechanical and Biological solutions:
ETGAR Medical Implant Systems is a young dynamic company with more than 25 years of design and manufacturing experience and expertise based on extensive know-how accumulated from years of working with the biggest names in the business.
ETGAR offers implant systems, prosthetics, Impression copings, tools and kits, all of which meet the highest medical standards requirements and Comply with International Quality Standards – All of our products are manufactured and packaged to meet mandatory certifications for medical device production including MDD 93/42EEC, ISO 9001:2015, 13485:2016.